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Kształtem jest MIŁOŚĆ. Obraz miłości w tekstach Jana Pawła II

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Miłość według Jana Pawła II jest pojęciem semantycznie i aksjologicznie złożonym. Jest pozytywnym uczuciem, więzią z Bogiem, z drugim człowiekiem, skomplikowaną siłą, która skłania do zmierzania ku podobnym istotom. Wykracza poza sferę emocji, gdyż jest bezinteresownym darem ofiarowywanym przez osobę drugiej osobie, wartością najwyższą, transcendentną i najważniejszą. Miłość to także zdarzenie metafizyczne i psychologiczne: doświadczenie obecności i bliskości Boga, afirmacja wartości osoby, cnota, powołanie każdej istoty ludzkiej, postawa, sposób zaangażowania człowieka wobec innych, otwarcia się na ich potrzeby, komunikowanie się z resztą bytów przez swoje wnętrze, jak również tworzenie transcendentalnej rzeczywistości.

The book titled Kształtem jest MIŁOŚĆ [The Shape of LOVE] is an attempt at a subjective reconstruction of the linguistic picture of the world of values, of which the most important is love. This book is mainly situated within the context of cognitive studies and cultural linguistics, but also interdisciplinary language is used in it to describe and interpret the Pope's texts. The monograph presents a selection of the most important definitions of LOVE, the analysis of which made it possible to express the nature
of LOVE and identify its particular types as well as to situate LOVE in the context of the other values that were discussed by John Paul II. Also, the most important features of God's LOVE for humankind as well as a human being's LOVE for God and for another human being are presented in this book along with the ways in which Karol Wojtyła most often conceptualized LOVE.
According to Pope John Paul II, LOVE is a concept that is both semantically and axiologically complex. It is a positive feeling, a sense of a bond with God and another human being as well as a complicated force that leads one to build up relationships with others of one's kind. LOVE goes beyond the realm of emotions because it is a selfless GIFT that one person offers to another as well as the highest and the most important transcendent value. LOVE also constitutes a metaphysical and psychological event
which can be characterized as experiencing God's presence and closeness, affirmation of the value of a human being, virtue, a calling for every human being, one's attitude toward and concern for others as well as being open to other people's needs, communicating with the other entities through one'sinner self, and creating a transcendent reality.

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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Title (EN) The Shape of LOVE. The Image of Love in Pope John Paul II's Texts
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Filologia Polska nr 157
ISSN 0554-8179
ISBN 978-83-232-2689-5
Number of pages 298
Number of publishing sheets 21,00
Format [cm] 17,0 x 24,0
Type of binding paperback
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