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Distribution and popularization

Print versions

UMU Press distributes directly, indirectly, and uses online, remote and traditional channels.


UMU Press’s partner in the distribution of printed books is OSDW AZYMUT, Poland’s largest book wholesaler. Thanks to this cooperation, AMU Press publications reach more than 3500 bookstores, online stores and libraries.

The Press also conducts direct sales of titles at the largest book fairs in Poland (Warsaw, Krakow, Poznań) and during major scientific conferences at Adam Mickiewicz University.

Foreign sales are carried out through two distributors: Lexicon – Warszawa and Ars Polona – Warszawa.


Electronic versions

AMU Press publications issued in electronic format receive an international permanent digital identifier DOI and are deposited on the Polona service.

The full range of all AMU Press electronic publications can be found at

Furthermore, electronic versions of books are deposited on such platforms as: CEEOL (Central and East European Online Library) – a repository of electronic publications in the social sciences and humanities on issues related to Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe;

EBSCO – global provider of scientific content and databases; – a Polish lending library and online bookstore with e-books and audiobooks. In addition to Polish versions, the platform offers more than 36,000 English-language titles. The full offer is also available to foreign customers.

E-editions of books are also available in the Open Access mode on



Popularizing scientific books on the market plays a key role in providing knowledge and education to the public. AMU Press makes various efforts to this end, including: publishing popular science books, participating in and organizing book and reading contests, participating in science festivals, conferences and publishing fairs, or organizing meetings with authors.

Social media play a special role in the popularization of scientific books. Reviews, recommendations and discussions among readers help to create a community interested in a particular topic. Moreover, the development of science-related audiobooks and podcasts make it possible to access scientific knowledge in a form better tailored to modern consumer trends.


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