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Prawny mechanizm prowadzenia polityki rozwoju w zdecentralizowanych strukturach władzy publicznej

  • In Stock: in stock
  • ISBN: 978-83-232-2722-9
  • Category: OUTLET, Law
  • Year of publication: 2014
PLN 18.00

Rozwój kraju i wciąż narastające problemy społeczno-gospodarcze wymagają określonego normatywnego uporządkowania prawnego mechanizmu. Badania podjęte w ramach publikacji obejmują analizę i ocenę prawnego zorganizowania podmiotów władzy wykonawczej i ich zadań w szczególnej, nowej sferze ustawowo określonej jako prowadzenie polityki rozwoju. Praca obejmuje charakterystykę prawną zasad realizacji zadania państwa określanego ustawowo „jako prowadzenie polityki rozwoju” w jego całokształcie, w przekroju ustrojowym, ustalając pozycje i wzajemne związki uczestniczących podmiotów publicznych zobowiązanych do prowadzenia polityki, tryb współpracy, zakres ich zadań i formy działania.

The country's development as well as the ever-changing socio-economic problems need to be normatively ordered and require that a specific legal mechanism be created. The studies that have been undertaken as part of this monograph involve analyzing and evaluating the way in which the executive bodies are organized from a legal perspective as well as their tasks in a specific, new sphere which has been statutorily defined as carrying out development policy. The monograph presents the legal characteristics of the principles according to which the state should carry out this task by establishing the positions of and relationships between the public authority bodies that are obligated to carry out this policy as well as the mode of cooperation, the scope and character of tasks and forms of activity and the manner of exerting external infuence. The studies that were conducted indicate that the statutory construction of development policy entails sequences of behaviors which are to be implemented within statutorily defined time frames and which consist of activities and legal solutions that are of a diverse legal nature. They constitute a network of public-law relations and interdependencies between the bodies which participate in carrying out these complex groups of activities and which are bound by a common, statutorily designated public goal.
The principles of organizing and functioning of public authority structures, in particular the mode of cooperation as well as the scope and character of tasks and forms of activity, form a cohesive whole, i.e. a complex mechanism of implementing development policy. The author refers to the way in which development policy should be carried out, i.e. based on the interrelated activities of statutorily designated public authority bodies, as "interrelated publiclaw activities".

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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Format 17,0 x 24,0
Title (EN) The Legal Mechanism of Carrying Out Development Policy in Decentralized Public Authority Structures
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Prawo nr 184
ISSN 0083-4262
ISBN 978-83-232-2722-9
Number of pages 312
Number of publishing sheets 22,00
Type of binding hardcover
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