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Legal and socio-economics and political changes in Russia’s relations with China

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Platform: Adam Mickiewicz University Press

Russia and China are not only large countries in the area but having their special place as a state in popular history. The long history of Russia and China has always been an inspiration to cultural creators and historians involved in the analysis and interpretation of sometimes difficult facts. This study, which is a research project, aims to explore and approximate contemporary Russian-Chinese relations. The fundamental question is how Russian-Chinese relations are currently shaping up and from a legal point of view (especially signed agreements and declarations), political and diplomatic, economic and technological and financial. The impact of these relations on other countries has also been taken into account in a limited way. There is also a been theory that Russian - Chinese relations are much stronger in the 21st century than in the last decade of the 20th century and depend heavily on the United States? The strengthening of these relations was particularly strengthening during the presidency of Vladimir Putin.


The development of Russia’s political and economic relations with China

The evolution of Russian-Chinese relations from the early 20th century to President
Relations between Russia and China from desinterest to constructive partnership
From constructive to strategic partnership
Partnership in the last decade of the 20th century
Strengthening relations with China under President Vladimir Putin

Legal framework of Russian-Chinese relations

The history of Russian-Chinese relations
A new stage in the history of Russian-Chinese relations begins in 1992
Joint declarations – important part of the regulatory framework of Russian-Chinese relations
The results of the development of relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC during 1992–2019

Political and legal foundation for the contemporary Russia China relations

‘Big Treaty’ as a foundation for the Russian-Chinese relations

Scientific and technical cooperation of Russia and China

Introduction: Sino-Russian comprehensive partnership as a base for scientific and technical cooperation
Scientific and technical development of Russia and China: similarities and differences
Sino-Russian cooperation in the higher education system: geographic growth
of interuniversity contacts and new level of cooperation
New forms of Sino-Russian cooperation in the system of academies of science.
Sino-Russian scientific and technical cooperation in the real sector
Conclusion: evaluation of the prospects of scientific and technical cooperation of China and Russia

Russian-Chinese cooperation in the fin tech sphere

The changes in FinTech industry creating the need for joint ventures
Factors encouraging Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of FinTech
Transfer of Chinese payment systems to the Russian market
Collaboration on blockchain projects

The Six-Party Talks and Korean Peninsula: Unfinished Diplomacy

Overview of North Korean Nuclear Weapons Development and the First Nuclear Crisis
The Second Nuclear Crisis and Round One of the Six-Party Talks
Round Two of the Six-Party Talks
Round Three of the Six-Party Talks
Round Four of the Six-Party Talks
Round Five of the Six-Party Talks
Round Six of the Six-Party Talks

Economic coordination within the framework of Shanghai cooperation organisation

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: General Characteristics
Political dimension in the functioning of SCO
Security dimension in the functioning of SCO
Economic dimension in the functioning of SCO
Decision-making within the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Regional integration: Asian Way
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as an early deliberation forum
Economic bodies and institution within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Energy Club
Inter-Bank Association
SCO Business Council
Small Business Forum
New South Asian challenges to SCO economic coordination

Russian and Chinese influences in the South Pacific: External control as motivation for the Pacific regionalism

Past imperial influences as a motivator of regional cooperation
Modern days Russian and Chinese influences

General conclusion (MIECZYSŁAW SPRENGEL)


I. Literature

II. Internet sources

III. Monographs and synthesis written in Russian


Notes about the authors 

Monografia dotyczy wzajemnych relacji pomiędzy Rosją i Chinami, które w ostatnich dekadach stworzyły nowy model relacji między krajami o różnych systemach społeczno-gospodarczych. Ten model współpracy jest zapisany w rosyjsko-chińskich oficjalnych dokumentach, w tym w Traktacie o Sąsiedztwie, Przyjaźni i Współpracy z 2001 roku. Stosunki rosyjsko-chińskie są najważniejszym czynnikiem pokoju i stabilności w regionie Azji i Pacyfiku oraz na świecie. Wzmocnienie Chin nie stanowi zagrożenia dla rosyjskich interesów na poziomie regionalnym i globalnym. Rosja i Chiny są filarami wspierającymi obecny porządek międzynarodowy, równie zainteresowanymi jego stabilnością i trwałością. Sfera bliskości lub zbieżności ich zainteresowań jest znacznie szersza niż sfera możliwych nieporozumień lub rozbieżności. Rosyjsko-chińskie partnerstwo strategiczne stopniowo przekształca się z deklaracji politycznej w konkretne projekty gospodarcze. W publikacji przedstawiono proces bliskości tych państw z uwzględnieniem aspektów prawnych, gospodarczych i technologicznych.

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You're reviewing:Legal and socio-economics and political changes in Russia’s relations with China
Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Format 17,0 x 24,0
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Adam Mickiewicz University Law Books no. 15
ISBN 978-83-232-3799-0
DOI 10.14746/amup.9788323238003
Number of pages 186
Number of publishing sheets 12,50
Type of binding hardcover
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