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Barbara Jankowiak, Adrianna Brzezińska, Emilia Soroko, „Funkcjonowanie świetlic socjoterapeutycznych oraz branding oferowanych usług”

Barbara Jankowiak, Adrianna Brzezińska, Emilia Soroko, „Funkcjonowanie świetlic socjoterapeutycznych oraz branding oferowanych usług”



Sociotherapy as a group form of psychological and pedagogical assistance is commonly carried out in Poland in various areas of help. It is mainly aimed at children and adolescents from groups at increased risk of developing disorders or those who are already experiencing problems in psychosocial functioning. However, the places particularly targeted for sociotherapeutic interactions are day-care institutions where sociotherapy takes place. The aim of the project described in the book was to obtain a picture of the functioning of sociotherapeutic day-care centers (social diagnosis) and then to develop recommendations for their functioning (impact). The monograph characterises the functioning of sociotherapeutic day-care centers in three cities (Gdańsk, Katowice, Poznań) and describes the branding of services run by these day-care centers (or on their behalf) on websites and social networks. Furthermore, as the research took place during the COVID-19 pandemie, the way in which socio-therapeutic day-care centres functioned in an epidemiological emergency was characterised, which allows us to look at ways of adapting to sudden, crisis situations.



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