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The placing of novel foods on the EU market in the light of new EU regulations

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W monografii przedstawiono zagadnienie wprowadzania nowej żywności na rynek unijny. Szczególnym wyzwaniem, przed jakim stają Wspólna Polityka Rolna, rolnictwo i współczesny świat, jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego w obliczu rosnącego zapotrzebowania na środki spożywcze. Rozwiązaniem może być wzrost produkcji konwencjonalnej żywności lub poszukiwanie alternatywnych źródeł pożywienia, jak niespożywana dotąd w UE żywność z państw trzecich, efekt nowych sposobów produkcji lub przetwarzania. Są to jednak produkty, których bezpieczeństwo nie zostało potwierdzone doświadczeniem bezpiecznej konsumpcji w UE, dlatego mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla życia i zdrowia konsumentów w UE. Autor analizuje regulacje obowiązujące od 1 stycznia 2018 r., służące utrzymaniu wysokiego poziomu ochrony zdrowia i życia konsumenta, a także otwarciu unijnego rynku na bezpieczne innowacje w sektorze rolno-spożywczym i odpowiada na pytanie, czy i w jakim stopniu regulacje prawne dotyczące wprowadzania do obrotu w UE nowej żywności, w szczególności unijne rozporządzenie nr 2015/2283 i wydane do niego rozporządzenia wykonawcze, chronią zdrowie i życie ludzi, jednocześnie zapewniając swobodny przepływ tego rodzaju żywności w UE oraz ochronę interesów ekonomicznych zarówno konsumenta, jak i podmiotu prowadzącego przedsiębiorstwo spożywcze.
Język publikacji: angielski

This monograph is one of the first scholarly publications on the subject of the placing of novel foods on the European Union market after 1 January 2018. Its aim is to answer the question of whether and to what extent the regulations governing the placing on the EU market of novel foods, in particular EU Regulation No 2015/2283 and its implementing regulations, protect the health and life of humans, whilst ensuring the free movement of such foods within the EU and protecting the economic interests of both consumers and food business operators. The objective was achieved by means of an analysis of the regulations in force since 1 January 2018, aimed at, in addition to maintaining a high level of protection of consumer health and life, the opening of the EU market to safe innovations in the agri-food sector. The book presents the history of innovation in the food industry in the EU, attempts to analyse the concept of ‘novel food’ and discusses the legal requirements and procedures for placing novel foods on the EU market as well as the principles of innovation responsibility. These considerations enabled the author to draw many interesting conclusions and put forward proposals de lege ferenda.

List of abbreviations

Chapter 1
Preliminary considerations
1.1. The choice and rationale of the research subject
1.2. Purpose of the research and fundamental assumptions
1.3. Justification of the structure of the work and the research method

Chapter 2
Novel foods and the application of innovations in food production in European Union policy and law
2.1. Impact of the development of biotechnology on legislation
2.2. The development of EU regulations

Chapter 3
Novel food as a foodstuff in European Union law
3.1. The concept of food in European Union law
3.2. The concept of novel food under Regulation No. 2015/2283
3.3. Traditional food from a third country as a novel food in the light of Regulation No. 2015/2283
3.4. Novel food as an agricultural product?

Chapter 4
Legal guarantees for the safety and quality of novel foods
4.1. Requirements for placing novel foods on the European Union market
4.2. Ensuring the safety of novel foods
4.2.1. The system of preventive control
4.2.2. Application of the precautionary principle
4.3. Monitoring novel foods in the EU
4.4. Labelling of novel foods as an instrument to protect consumers’ economic interests
4.5. Specific environmental requirements and the protection of human health and life from hazards posed by novel foods

Chapter 5
Procedure for placing novel foods on the European Union market
5.1. Determination of the status of novel food
5.2. The authorisation procedure for placing novel foods on the European Union market
5.3. The authorisation procedure for placing traditional food from a third country on the European Union market
5.4. Protection of scientific data and evidence of the safety of novel foods
5.5. Ensuring the safety of novel foods and the proper functioning of the internal market and free movement of goods

Chapter 6
Responsibility of the operator placing novel foods on the European Union market
6.1. The functions of responsibility in novel food regulations
6.2. Criminal and administrative liability
6.3. Civil liability

Chapter 7
Concluding remarks
7.1. Summary and assessment evaluation
7.2. De lege ferenda postulates



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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Format 17,0 x 24,0
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Adam Mickiewicz University Law Books No 11
ISBN 978-83-232-3614-6
Number of pages 182
Number of publishing sheets 13,00
Type of binding hardcover
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