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Korczak na marginesach. Czytając „Pamiętnik” Starego Doktora

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Drugi tom z cyklu „Odsłony Myśli” – serii „książek o książkach” pomyślanych jako gruntowne i wielostronne analizy ważnych tekstów pedagogicznych lokujące je w szerokim kontekście współczesności. Przedstawia studium nad fragmentem dziedzictwa myśli Janusza Korczaka, jakim jest ostatnia z jego prac – „Pamiętnik”, będący swego rodzaju duchowym testamentem. W próbie odczytania dzieła Janusza Korczaka z uwzględnieniem aktualnej perspektywy oraz istotnych kontekstów wzięło udział wielu badaczy reprezentujących różne dyscypliny i ośrodki naukowe z Polski oraz z zagranicy.

This book is the result of the work of a research team whose aim was to attempt to reinterpret one of the last texts written by Janusz Korczak, that is. Pamiętnik [Memoirs], which is a short book [it has fewer than 100 pages, depending on the edition], but nonetheless conveys an incredibly important message. The authors of the articles took up the challenge of comparing their previous research experience with a work which is not only a secret, spiritual record of the last days of his life, but also a kind of testament
The notes that Korczak made during a very difficult time in his life [war, ghetto, illness, old age] still pose a great challenge for those who study his life and work. In the book Korczak na marginesach. Czytając „Pamiętnik" Starego Doktora [Korczak at the Margins. Reading Old Doctor’s Memoirs] the authors of particular articles analyze different themes and issues which emerge when reading the source text This book contains reflections about self-education, the tragic nature of human existence, the art of living, genius loci, the seemingness of life, the Holocaust, death as well as the understanding of an educator’s role. This volume makes no claims to be complete; on the contrary, the authors’ intention was to encourage debate and further, in-depth interpretations of Janusz Korczak’s works.

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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Format 17,0 x 24,0
Title (EN) Korczak at the Margins. Reading Old Doctor’s Memoirs
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Psychologia i Pedagogika nr 190
ISSN 0083-4254
ISBN 978-83-232-2555-3
Number of pages 356
Type of binding paperback
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