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Ekspresja receptorów sterydowych w prawidłowym i nowotworowym endometrium

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Monografia stanowi rozwinięte, kompleksowe i kompetentne opracowanie ekspresji receptorów steroidowych w prawidłowym i nowotworowym endometrium. Nowoczesny warsztat badawczy z zastosowaniem techniki PCR w czasie rzeczywistym (Real-Time PCR) oraz nowatorskie rozwiązanie polegające na zastosowaniu genu reporterowego TBR (TATA Binding Protei) w ocenie ilości i jakości badanych izoform mRNA, pozwoliły na uzyskanie bardzo interesujących wyników ekspresji wybranych genów. Pracę wzbogacają liczne ryciny, także barwne.

Endometrial cancer is well known to be estrogen-dependent. Two estrogen receptor types, named ERa and ERß, have been found to be major mediators of diversity of biological functions of estrogen and to play an important role in estrogen-dependent tissues and cancers. Recent cloning of estrogen receptor ß (ERß) was followed by the discovery of a variety of its isoforms. Using real-time RT-PCR assay the relative expression of ERßl, ERß2 (ERßcx), ERß3, ERß4, ERß5, PR and AR was studied. We observed a co-expression of estrogen receptor ß isoforms in the endometrium and an up-regulation of the ERß5 transcript in malignant endometrium. We have also observed a down-regulation of ERß2A5 transcript in neoplastic endometrium, using a semi-quantitative method. Our results suggest that analyzing the changes in ERa ERß and its isoforms as well as PR and AR may be important in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of endometrial cancer.

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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Title (EN) Expression of steroid receptors in normal and neoplastic endometrium
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Nauki Medyczne nr 5
ISSN 1730-3842
ISBN 978-83-232186-5-4
Number of pages 121
Number of publishing sheets 10,00
Format 17,0 x 24,0
Type of binding paperback
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