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Białka łubinu indukowane jonami ołowiu i innymi czynnikami stresowymi

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Monografia naukowa prezentująca wyniki dziesięcioletnich badań nad wpływem ołowiu i innych metali ciężkich (Cu, Cd, Zn) oraz pewnych stresów abiotycznych (stres solny, osmotyczny, stres wodny) na indukcję syntezy i wzrostu akumulacji polipeptydów o masie cząsteczkowej 16 kDa w siewkach łubinu żółtego. Autor podejmuje także próbę wyjaśnienia mechanizmu aktywacji syntezy białek PRL1-L6 oraz ich biologicznej funkcji.

Heavy metal ions, such as Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+ as well as some other abiotic factors, induce in lupin seedlings the synthesis and accumulation of 6 polypeptides of molecular weight 16 kDa, designated as PR(L1-L6). The sequence analysis of N-terminal amino acids indicated that all polypeptides composing the 16 kDa fraction show a high degree of homology to the PR-10 family of pathogenesis-related proteins as well as to RNase from ginseng callus and to the tree pollen allergens. Within the fast migrating form of 16 kDa polypeptides the presence of a subunit of cytosolic Cu:Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) was detected. The presence of PR(L1-L6) proteins were observed, by tissue-printing method, in all organs of lupine seedlings. The lead ions causes the enhancement of PR(L1-L6) accumulation within parenchymatic cells of rout cortex, hypocotyl and stem. The immuno-gold analysis have shown the intracellular, cytoplasmic localization of PR(Ll-L6) proteins.

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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Title (EN) Proteins of lupin induced by lead ions and other stress factors
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Biologia nr 68
ISSN 0554-811X
ISBN 83-232-1293-7
Number of pages 90
Number of publishing sheets 6,00
Format [cm] 17,0 x 24,0
Type of binding paperback
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