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Badania nad zmiennością genetyczną kosodrzewiny (Pinus mugo) z wykorzystaniem markerów biochemicznych i molekularnych

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Publikacja poświęcona analizie zmienności naturalnych populacji kosodrzewiny z rejonu Tatr i Podhala oraz ocenie wpływu, jaki na jej kształtowanie mają różnorodne procesy mikroewolucyjne, w tym hybrydyzacja i introgresja z sosną zwyczajną (P. sylvestris). Wyniki badań mogą mieć zastosowanie w monitorowaniu zmian genetycznych zachodzących w innych izolowanych populacjach roślin oraz do opracowywania zasad zarządzania różnorodnością genetyczną.

The monograph contains a collection of papers dedicated to the analysis of genetic diversity of some Polish populations of Dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo Turra). The impact of various micro-evolutionary processes on species differentiation was studied in detail, particularly the postulated hybridization with Scots pine (P. sylvestris L.), which may influence genetic composition of some isolated foothill populations. The first three chapters contain detailed description of isozyme polymorphism at 22 enzyme loci. Inheritance for the majority of genes as well as genetic linkage and subcellular localization of some enzymes was determined. Semi-diagnostic alleles of four genes (AdhA, AdhB, PgdB, MdhC) and low frequency species-specific alleles were employed to estimate the frequency of hybrids and introgressants in a large relic population from "Bór na Czerwonem" peat-bog nature preserve. In contradiction to evaluations based on biometric analysis, the genetic markers do not confirm intensive, interspecific gene flow between P. mugo and P. sylvestris and a hybrid swarm hypothesis. Alternatively, it is proposed that all monocormic trees from this population are recent P. sylvestris colonizers and among oligo- and polycormic pines only a small fraction represents interspecific hybrids, most likely from backcrosses with P. muqo as a paternal species.

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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Title (EN) Studies on genetic diversity of Dwarf mountain Pine (Pinus mugo) using biochemical and molecular markers
Type of publication Monografia
Edition I
Series Biologia nr 67
ISSN 0554-811X
ISBN 83-232-1166-3
Number of pages 135
Number of publishing sheets 10,00
Format 16,5 x 24,0
Type of binding paperback
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