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Zawodowe i osobiste wymiary rozwoju człowieka. Perspektywa psychopedagogiczna

PLN 12.00

The book is a collection of systemized reflections about possibilities and limitations of human development in different aspects and contexts of contemporary world. There are two different dimensions of developmental changes: professional and individual. Moreover, the individual developmental changes are additionally divided into normative and non-normative. The authors of particular papers describe the phenomena, processes, as well as reasons of developmental changes. They present diversity and multidimensional approach of professional and individual cases.

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Detailed information
Publication Version printed
Format 14,5 x 20,5
Type of publication Monograph
Edition I
ISSN 0083-4254
ISBN 978-83-232-3575-0
Number of pages 194
Number of publishing sheets 10,00
Type of binding paperback
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