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Polish Journal for American Studies, vol. 5

21,00 zł

Julia Fiedorczuk
The Problems of Environmental Criticism: An Interview with Lawrence Buell          
Andrea 0'Reilly Herrera
Transnational Diasporic Formations: A Poetics of Movement and Indeterminacy      
Eliud Martinez
A Writer's Perspective on Multiple Ancestries: An Essay on Race and Ethnicity  
Irmina Wawrzyczek
American Historiography in the Making: Three Eighteenth-Century Narratives ofColonial Virginia       
Justyna Fruzińska
Emerson's Far Eastern Fascinations         
Małgorzata Grzegorzewska
The Confession of an Uncontrived Sinner: Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"  
Tadeusz Pióro
"The death of literaturę as we know it": Reading Frank O'Hara       
Agnieszka Kotwasińska
The Road to the Losers' Club: Hunter S. Thompson and the Canon of American Literaturę        
Aneta Dybska
Gentrification and Lesbian Subcultures in Sarah Schulman's Girls,  Yisions and Everything    
Kacper Bartczak
Technology and the Bodily in Don DeLillo's The Body Artist and Cosmopolis     
Marek Paryż
Philip Roth's The Plot Against America: Transgressive Historical Fiction      
Nina Czarnecka-Pałka
Mentioning the Unmentionable: Sex and the City and the Taboos about Female Sexuality      
David A. Jones and Joanna Waluk
Polish and American Diplomatic Relations sińce 1939 as Reflected in Bilateral Ambassadorial Policies
Greil Marcus and Wemer Sollors, eds., A New Literary History ofAmerica (Marta Kmiecik)       
Zbigniew Mazur, The Power ofPlay: Leisure, Recreation and Cultural Hegemony in Colonial Virginia (Michał Jan Rozbicki)     
Marta Skwara, "Polski Whitman": o funkcjonowaniu poety obcego w kulturze narodowej ["The Polish Whitman": The Functioning of a Foreign Poet in National Culture] (Krystyna Mazur)   
Marek Paryż, Figures of Dependence, Figur es ofExpansion: Representations ofthe Postcolonial and Imperiał Experience in the Discourse of American Transcendentalism (Jennifer Ryan)    
Karsten Fitz, The American Revolution Remembered, 1830s to 1850s. Competing Images and Conflicting Narratives (Marek Paryż)      
Eva Boesenberg, Money and Gender in the American Novel, 1850-2000 (Justyna Włodarczyk)     
Janet Floyd, Alison Easton, R.J. Ellis, Lindsey Traub, eds., Becoming Yisible. Women 's Presence in Late Nineteenth-Century America (Justyna Włodarczyk)   
Astrid Frankę, Pursue the Illusion: Problems ofPublic Poetry in America (Grzegorz Kość)     
Andrew S. Gross and Susanne Rohr, Comedy—Avant-Garde—Scandal: Remember-ing the Holocaust after the End of History;
Sophia Komór and Susanne Rohr, eds., The Holocaust, Ari and Taboo: Transatlantic Exchanges on the Ethics and Aesthetics of Representation (Holli Levitsky)     
Joanna Durczak, Rozmowy z ziemią: tradycja przyrodopisarska w literaturze amerykańskiej [Conversations with the Earth: The Tradition of Naturę Writing in American Literaturę] (Julia Fiedorczuk)
Sascha Pohlmann. Pynchon 's Postnational Imagination (Zofia Kolbuszewska)    
Dominika Ferens, Ways ofKnowing Smali Places. Intersections ofAmerican Literaturę and Ethnography sińce the 1960s (Agata Preis-Smith)  
Aneta Dybska, Black Masculinities in American Social Science and Self-Narratives ofthe 1960s and 1970s (Anna Pochmara)       
Christopher Garbowski, Pursuits ofHappiness: The American Dream, Civil Society, Religion, and Popular Culture (Jacek Romaniuk)     
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Napisz opinię o produkcie:Polish Journal for American Studies, vol. 5
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Wersja publikacji drukowana
Typ publikacji Wydawnictwo ciągłe
Wydanie I
ISSN 1733-9154
ISBN 978-83-232-2284-2
Liczba stron 218
Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych 16,00
Format 17,5 x 24,0
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