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Issues in ESP: Designing a Model for Teaching English for Business Purposes

  • Dostępność: dostępny
  • ISBN: 978-83-232-185-3-1
  • Kategoria: OUTLET, Językoznawstwo
  • Data wydania: 2008
22,00 zł

This book has aimed lo discuss some major issues related lo teaching Engiish for Specific Purposes (ESP) with particular emphasis on teaching Business Engiish to students of Management and Marketing. What distinguishes ESP courses from their general equivalents is that they are designed lo satisfy the particular needs of the learner related in themes and topics to particular disciplines or occupations, and activities characteristic of these disciplines or occupations. The book provides a comprehensive overview of how ESP developed and an update on major devel­opments in the discipline. The theoretical considerations have been well balanced with practical applications - in the final chapter the reader will be presented with a model for leaching linglish for Business Purposes.

  • Introduction

  • Chapter One
  • The historical background of ESP

  • Chapter Two
  • Needs assessment

  • Chapter Three
  • Syllabus and course design for ESP

  • Chapter Four
  • Investigating the language needs of Management and Marketing Students

  • Chapter Five
  • A model for teaching English for Business Purposes

  • Final remarks and conclusions

  • Appendix

  • Appendix 1: Sample analytical tools for language audit
  • Appendix 2: The graduates' questionnaire
  • Appendix 3: The lecturers' questionnaire
  • Appendix 4: Job functions identified in the graduates' workplaces

  • Bibliography
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Informacje szczegółowe
Wersja publikacji drukowana
Format 17,0 x 24,0
Typ publikacji Monografia
Wydanie I
Seria Językoznawstwo Stosowane nr 21
ISSN 0137-1444
ISBN 978-83-232-185-3-1
Liczba stron 246
Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych 14,00
Rodzaj oprawy miękka
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