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IFAtuation: A Life in IFA. A Festschrift for Professor Jacek Fisiak on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday

110,00 zł
  • Preamble

  • Elżbieta Adamczyk and Anna Hebda
  • Mediaeval English assimilations revisited: The assimilations of labials

  • Arleta Adamska-Salaciak and Piotr Gąsiorowski
  • Thumbing one's farewell to muggers, lumberjacks, and women in an interesting condition: A dictionary as a Quonset hut

  • Paulina Ambroży
  • "Nature is a stranger yet": Nature and man in the poetry of Wallace Stevens and Emily Dickinson

  • Ryszard Bartnik
  • "Look back in anger": Postcolonial (re)reading of adventure novels: R. M. Ballantyne's The coral island and R. L. Stevenson's Treasure island

  • Anna Bogacka, Geoffrey Schwartz, Monika Potczyńska-Fiszer, Paulina Zydorowicz and Paula Orzechowska
  • The production and perception of schwa in second language acquisition: The case of Polish learners of English

  • Joanna Bugaj and Matylda Włodarczyk
  • At "the wylle and plesur" of "kyng and soueraine": In search of motivations for binomials as markers of legal discourse

  • Piotr Cegłowski and Przemysław Tajsner
  • Topicalisation and Object Fronting in Polish: A view from a minimalist perspective

  • Anna Cieślicka and Agnieszka Kujatowicz
  • Cross-linguistic interactions in the trilingual lexicon: Language selective or non-selective access of interlingual homographs in L3 visual word recognition?

  • Anatolij Dorodnych
  • Slang across cultures

  • Krystyna Droździal-Szelest and Magdalena Kębłowska
  • New challenges in the language teaching profession: Are we ready to face them?

  • Radoslaw Dylewski
  • On the conservative character of early American English: Evidence from verbal morphology with selected ablaut verb forms in focus

  • Anna Dziemianko and Robert Lew
  • Research into dictionary use by Polish learners of English: Some methodological considerations

  • Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Katarzyna Janicka, Małgorzata Kid, Sylwia Scheuer, Jarosław Weckwerth, and Danitta Wolfram-Romanowska
  • Native standards or non-native ELF: Which English to teach in the 21st century?

  • Małgorzata Fabiszak and Jacek Fabiszak
  • Images of conflict in Shakespeare's I Henry VI: A cognitive approach

  • Aleksandra Górska and Joanna Śmiecińska
  • Subordination and coordination in spoken and written conversation: A comparative case study of a telephone conversation and an instant messaging session

  • Sabine Heinz
  • The impact of social changes on the development of the Insular Celtic languages

  • Dwight Holbrook
  • To perceive = to be perceived

  • Piotr Jakubowski and Ewa Ciszek
  • The status of w-plurals in medieval Anglo-Irish

  • Janusz Kaźmierczak
  • Culture contact in Danuta Mostwin's Ameryko! Ameryko!

  • Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak and Joanna Pawelczyk
  • Gender stereotypes in language use: Polish and English

  • Marcin Kilarski
  • Die Materie gegen den Geist: On 19th century German linguistic epistolography

  • Jerzy Koch
  • Poglądy i teorie na temat powstania afrikaans: Zarys historyczny i próba typologii

  • Marcin Krygier
  • Irregular adjectival gradation in Old English: The case of the mutated superlatives

  • Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky and Dieter Kastovsky
  • "Anything you can do, I can do better": A paper not so much about musicals, but about the semantics-pragmatics interface
  • Joseph Kuhn
  • The "Pervigilium Veneris" and modernist theory of the poetic word in the writing of Alien Tate and T.S. Eliot

  • Wojciech Kwarciński
  • Perlocutions in law

  • Grzegorz Michalski
  • Beats-and-Binding vs. Government: All roads lead to phonology

  • Iwona Paskal, Agnieszka Chmiel, and Andrzej Janiak
  • Acquisition of the simultaneous interpreting skill and its effect on the working memory processing of linguistic material

  • Marcin Ptaszyński
  • Out ye Polish jades!

  • Jacek Rysiewicz
  • FL aptitude research and testing: A survey of issues and problems

  • Pawel Schefler
  • Nominal categories in native English and EFL argumentative writing: A corpus-based analysis

  • Geoff Schwartz and Hanna Wysocka
  • The dynamics of L2 speech: Phonetic anatomy, Gestalt theory, and pronunciation teaching

  • Agnieszka Setecka and Joanna Maciulewicz
  • Pickwick's journeys and adventures: From the eighteenth century to the Victorian Aee

  • Teresa Siek-Piskozub and Alexandra Wach
  • EFL classroom research in the Polish context

  • Liliana Sikorska
  • The chastising of a bad king: The interplay of the didactic and the adventurous in Robert of Chyle

  • Tomasz Skirecki
  • Across the Tamar: Mebyon Kernow and prospects of Cornish devolution

  • Wlodzimierz Sobkowiak, Przemyslaw Kaszubski and Aleksandra Wojnowska
  • What are dictionary definitions good for?

  • Pawel Stachura
  • Retreat from the American frontier: Mythic interpretation of Cooper's "high" plots

  • Paulina Stęplowska and Anna Warmuz
  • The adventures of Reynart: Critique of the courtly and the religious cultures of the High Middle Ages in The history of Reynard the Fox.

  • Zdzidaw Wąsik, Elżbieta Wąsik and Maciej Kielar
  • Applying Victor H. Yngve's theory of human linguistics to the analysis of interpersonal relationships among communication participants in social reality and literary fiction

  • Bogusława Whyatt
  • Discovering the bilingual mind: Some evidence for the reorganisation of the mental lexicon in translation students

  • Marek Wilczyński
  • Tradition, romanticism, and the paradoxes of conservatism in antebellum New England

  • Jacek Witkos and Anna Dziemianko
  • On the syntax of idioms and the Idiomatic Constituency Axiom

  • Hanna Wysocka and Edward Wight
  • PNJA exams in IFA UAM: A critical discussion of the role and effectiveness of the examination procedure

  • Paweł Zajas
  • Postkolonialne echa z Potudniowej Afryki:Egzotyczny kostium patriotyzmu w etnografii Antoniego Rehmana (1840-1917)

  • Magdalena Zapędowska
  • "An ample word": Reading Dickinsonian desire in the twenty-first century

  • Wieslaw Awedyk
  • Squib: The psychological reality of empty nuclei
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Informacje szczegółowe
Wersja publikacji drukowana
Format 17,5 x 24,0
Typ publikacji Monografia
Wydanie I
ISBN 83-232-1634-7
Liczba stron 872
Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych 68,00
Rodzaj oprawy twarda
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