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Allen Tate. A Study In Southern Modernism and the Religious Imagination

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Podręcznik zawiera opracowania problemu umuzykalnienia procesu nauczania języków obcych. Teoretyczne rozdziały książki są owocem wieloletnich prac nad projektem dotyczącym roli muzyki i piosenki w procesie przyswajania języka, prowadzonym w Instytucie Filologii Angielskiej UAM. Doświadczenie nauczycieli-badaczy zaowocowało zebraniem pomysłów na praktyczne wykorzystanie muzyki i piosenki na lekcjach języka obcego i stanowi bogate kompendium w glottodydaktyce. Książka adresowana jest do studentów filologii i kolegiów językowych, jak również do nauczycieli i lektorów.

The poet and critic Allen Tate might be called the 'Eliot of the American South'. In his essays of the 1920s and 1930s Tate was to give the idea of the South a decisive philosophical foundation. Further, in such poems as "Ode to the Confederate Dead" (1927) he was able to encapsulate the specific historical being of this region - including its "neo-gothic" broken quality - in commanding modernist form. It was for this reason that Walker Percy said that Tate and William Faulkner were the only "great cosmos-shaping poets" that the South had produced. There is no lack of contemporary criticism explaining why this should be so in the case of Faulkner, but Tate has in recent years become a more shadowy figure and one too often disposed of in his categorization as a Nashville Agrarian. This study tries to redress the balance.

A fundamental imperative in Tate's work is his need to connect the South as a model of order to a European or classical-Christian archetype. In doing this he became part of what is still a relatively little-studied countermovement in American literature that valued Catholic forms of the imagination. This is why the study tries to interpret Tate within the wider context of what might be called an American traditionalist modernism, both in its appearance in the first half of the twentieth century in such authors as T.S. Eliot and in its continuation in the South of the post-World War II era (in Lewis P. Simpson, Richard Weaver and Walker Percy). Indeed in placing Tate at the centre of this many-sided countermovement this study attempts to branch out to a broader analysis of the central tenets of American traditionalist modernism and of its distinctive ecumenical sensibility.

"a true opus magnum ... an achievement of a very high academic order" Prof. dr. hab. Marek Wilczyński


Introduction: A Model of Order

I. Beginnings in New England

Chapter 1. The Medievalism of the Late Brahmins
Chapter 2. An Awkward Paternity: Henry Adams and the Traditionalist Moderns

II. The Two Masters

Chapter 3. T.S. Eliot and the Invention of Traditionalist Modernism
Chapter 4. John Crowe Ransom's God Without Thunder: The Curious Theology of the Master

III. A Modernist Metaphysical: Tate's Poetry

Chapter 5. The "Rumour" of the Metaphysical: The Place of Religion and Myth in the Work of Allen Tate
Chapter 6. The Two Kinds of Symbolism: Allegoria and Hermetic Sign
Chapter 7. The "Neo-Gothic" and Mr. Poe
Chapter 8. The Unsayable: Tate and the Modern Sublime

IV. The Historical Imagination

Chapter 9. "After Such Knowledge, What Forgiveness?": History and Historicism in Tate's Poetry and Essays
Chapter 10. The Fathers: Irony and the Survivor

V. A Modern Dante?

Chapter 11. Seasons of the Soul and the Terza Rima Poems

VI. The Post-Tateians

Chapter 12. Richard Weaver and Neo-Agrarian Epideictic
Chapter 13. The Last of the Southern Clerks? The Case of Lewis P. Simpson
Chapter 14. Walker Percy: The Theology of the Word in the Post-War South


Works Cited


Allen Tate: Studium modernizmu amerykańskiego Południa i wyobraźni religijnej (Streszczenie)

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Wersja publikacji drukowana
Tytuł (EN) Allen Tate: A Study in Southern Modernism and the Religious Imagination
Typ publikacji Monografia
Wydanie I
Seria Filologia Angielska nr 32
ISSN 0554-8144
ISBN 978-83-232-2022-0
Liczba stron 524
Format 17,0 x 24,0
Rodzaj oprawy miękka
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