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Kobieta w więzieniu i jej resocjalizacja – zamierzenia a rzeczywistość

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Platforma: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM

Książka przedstawia problem resocjalizacji penitencjarnej specyficznej kategorii osadzonych. Autorka zastanawia się nad czynnikami ryzyka, które prowadzą do popełniania czynów zabronionych przez kobiety, a także nad możliwościami systemu penitencjarnego w kontekście oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych: czy są one dostosowane do potrzeb i możliwości skazanych, czy eliminują te czynniki, które skorelowane są z przestępczością.

The book entitled "Kobieta w więzieniu i jej resocjalizacja - zamierzenia a rzeczywistość" [Women in Prison and Rehabilitation: Intentions Versus Reality] is a result of a research project that was carried out for the purpose of a doctoral thesis. The aim of this monograph is to attempt to present the situation of imprisoned women in the context of prisoner rehabilitation. The theoretical approaches to rehabilitation that are presented in this monograph - the risk-need-responsivity model and cognitivebehavioral theories - determine the manner in which the analyzed women's criminogenic needs as well as the rehabilitation programs offered in three female penal institutions in Poland are studied. The studies were carried out among women from three penal institutions - in Grudziądz, Lubliniec and Krzywaniec - in order to define the respondents' criminogenic needs with the aim of evaluating the selection of correctional services on this basis and answering the question of whether the rehabilitation programs that are implemented there respond to the real needs of imprisoned women. What was also analyzed was a range of rehabilitation programs that had been developed by prison staff in the above-mentioned facilities with a view to establishing the way in which their rehabilitation services were designed and implemented as well as the theoretical assumptions that they were based on.
The book also contains many guidelines and recommendations concerning the theory and practice of rehabilitation.

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Wersja publikacji otwarty dostęp
Język polski
Tytuł (EN) Women in Prison and Rehabilitation: Intentions Versus Reality
Typ publikacji Monografia
Wydanie I (2014)
Seria Psychologia i Pedagogika nr 203
ISSN 0083-4254
ISBN 978-83-232-4304-5
DOI 10.14746/amup.9788323243045
Liczba stron 274

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