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Katarzyna Kokocińska ORCID Logo

prof. UAM dr hab. Katarzyna Kokocińska – doktor habilitowany nauk prawnych, prof. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji, radca prawny, specjalistka z zakresu publicznego prawa gospodarczego. Prowadzi badania naukowe w obszarze prawnych aspektów strategicznego planowania i programowania rozwoju, polityki gospodarczej państwa, pomocy publicznej oraz stosowania nowoczesnych technologii w zarządzaniu publicznym, w tym w ochronie zdrowia.
(Dane: 2021)

prof. UAM dr hab. Katarzyna Kokocińska – associate professor at Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Faculty of Law and Administration, Chair of Public Business Law, deputy Dean for Extramural Studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration, supervisor and reviewer of MA and PhD researchers, member of the Polish Association of European Law (associated in the International Federation of European Law FIDE – Fédération International pour le Droit Européen). The scope of her scientific work includes among others: issues relating to the impact of public authority on economic relationships, with particular focus on public law instruments which influence legal position of entrepreneurs; development policy law, with particular focus on strategic development programming; state aid law; EU fund law (cohesion policy and regional development policy); legal aspects involved in the application of state-of-the-art technologies in public administration (including telemedicine, e-health, planning for healthcare provision systems, development of electromobility); studies on the juncture of public and private law.
(Data: 2020)

Więcej informacji / More information: Baza Wiedzy UAM / Research Portal UAM



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